How much pressure should you apply when brushing your teeth?
How hard is too hard?
Press just hard enough to feel the bristles, but not hard enough to squash them. If they're squashed they can't reach the appropriate places! More importantly, brushing too hard can cause your gums to recede and can strip dentin (which can cause tooth sensitivity).
What angle should I hold my brush at?
Hold the toothbrush at a 45 degree angle to the gumline.Should I brush side to side, up and down?
Brush in a circular motionHow long should I wait after eating to brush?
Wait 30-60 minutes after eating acidic foods (like oranges), otherwise you risk wearing down the enamel on your teeth.How many times a day should I brush?
Brush three times a day (an hour after breakfast, lunch, and dinner) if you can, but definitely in the morning and evening!The answer to these questions can greatly help reduce your risk of cavities! The risks of not brushing correctly are the following: If you press too hard, you risk stripping away your enamel and possibly even dentin.
How to tell if your dentist is using foreign or non-certified dental labs
You have the right to know where your crowns, or other dental implants are made! Ask your dentist what lab he is using, and be careful because even if it is a dental lab with a US address, they might still be importing from a foreign dental lab in China or Europe. You should ask for the point of origin and a list of materials used in whatever will be placed in your mouth.